l e only way out is through.







About Inspiration Peak

Inspiration Peak has been around forever.  But it wasn't until 1995 that we began work on the website. Since then, 'the Peak' (as it's affectionately referred to) has been discovered by thousands of travelers from every corner of the world.

We like to think of 'the Peak' as a gathering place for some of the greatest spirits who have ever lived. A place where you can sit on the grass and stare at the sea and hear the gentle voices of Mother Teresa or Mahatma Gandhi as they whisper in your ear...

Because many of our visitors make it a point to share Inspiration Peak with their friends and family, we now have over 40,000 subscribers on our mailing list from over 74 different countries. 

Inspiration Peak is popular with both men and women.
It's considered a 'favorite' by doctors and college students and retired grandmothers. It's appeal is universal, regardless of age, ethnicity, income, religion or education.

The reason for this, we believe, is that there is a great deal to be discovered here.  And all that's required is a loving heart and an open mind.

The website itself is a work in progress. We don't have a full-time staff or fancy design team. But with your encouragement and support, we're building a website we can all appreciate for years to come.

I hope you enjoy your visit to Inspiration Peak. And I encourage you to venture off the beaten path and explore some of the lesser known trails. When you're ready to move on, we'd love it if you would take a minute to sign our guestbook.  And if you have questions that we weren't able to answer here, please feel free to send us an email. (We love to know what's on your mind!)

Until we meet again... 

"May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow
to keep you human, and enough hope to make you happy." 

Ron Atchison
The Mayor of Inspiration Peak


In 1997, 
we proclaimed
Inspiration Peak a
'historical treasure'
to be protected
and shared among
all people and