l The only way out is through.







Search results for 'Mike Dooley'  

26 quotation(s) found.




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Whosoever may torment you, harass you, confound you, or upset you, is a teacher. Not because they're wise, but because you seek to become so.

Mike Dooley

Of all the things that matter, that really and truly matter, working more efficiently and getting more done, is not one of them.

Mike Dooley

If you just look at all that already exists in your life, all that you already have: unlimited air to breathe, ample lighting to see, music to hear, books to read, stars to dream by, trees to gaze at, floors to dance on, friends to cavort with, enemies to befriend, strangers to meet, woods to walk through, beaches to comb, rocks to scale, rains to cleanse you, rivers to float you, animals to comfort you, you do have to admit, there's more of it than you could ever, ever, ever spend.

But try anyway.

Mike Dooley

Whenever conferring with another, either face to face or across the miles, whether a human being, departed spirit, or sentient tree, always speak to the highest within them. It makes such a difference.

Mike Dooley

There is always something to be happy about. Truly happy. And if you have the audacity to find it and the courage to make it your focus, in spite of the countless temptations to dwell upon problems that don't really exist, you will have learned well, your life will be transformed, and all things will be added unto you.

Mike Dooley

Life's not about expecting, hoping and wishing, it's about doing, being and becoming.

It's about the choices you've just made, and the ones you're about to make, it's about the things you choose to say - today.

It's about what you're gonna do after you finish reading this.

Mike Dooley

The secret to living the life of your dreams is to START living the life of your dreams.

Mike Dooley

Your ship was spotted off the coast this morning, slipping silently through the fog... coming around the cape she appeared in a shaft of sunlight... and what a sight to see! Glimmering as much as the ocean herself. Massive and beautiful beyond belief! Laden with treasures, happy times, friends, love, and laughter. Quick, you must PREPARE for her docking... you MUST make space in your life for her gifts... otherwise, just as quickly, she'll quietly slip back out to sea.

Mike Dooley

A question from your friend the Universe:

Just how much time do you spend thinking really, really BIG?

Good, very good! Because that's exactly how much of it you're going to get.

Mike Dooley

What does a thought look like? Just look around you, right now... to see yours.

Mike Dooley





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