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Don't move the way fear makes you move.
Move the way love makes you move.
Move the way joy makes you move.


The grass is not, in fact, always greener on the other side of the fence. No, not at all. Fences have nothing to do with it. The grass is greenest where it is watered. When crossing over fences, carry water with you and tend the grass where ever you may be.

Robert Fulghum

I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion - and where it isn't, that's where my work lies.

Ram Dass

When you meet anyone, treat the event as a holy encounter.

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Human beings only learn and evolve through relationship. The only way we can see ourselves objectively is through the reflection of others. We can go off and sit in a cave and meditate for years, but we only really find out what happened in that cave when we come out and get involved with other people. So we need each other if we want to evolve.

Andrew Cohen

How would you feel if you had no fear?
Feel like that.
How would you behave toward other people
if you realized their powerlessness to hurt you?
Behave like that.

How would your react to so-called misfortune
if you saw its inability to bother you?
React like that.

How would you think toward yourself
if you knew you were really all right?
Think like that.

Vernon Howard

Life always gives us
exactly the teacher we need
at every moment.
This includes every mosquito,
every misfortune,
every red light, every traffic jam,
every obnoxious supervisor (or employee),
every illness, every loss,
every moment of joy or depression,
every addiction,
every piece of garbage,
every breath.

Every moment is the Guru.

Joko Beck

I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches.
If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise,
since everyone suffers.
To suffering must be added mourning,
understanding, patience, love, openness,
and a willingness to remain vulnerable.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never be again And what do we teach our children? We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we also teach them what they are?

We should say to each of them: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move.

You may become a Shakespeare, a Michaelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel?

You must work, we must all work, to make the world worthy of its children.

Pablo Casals

If you give a man a fish, he will have a single meal. If you teach him how to fish, he will eat all his life.

Kwan Tzu





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