l The only way out is through.







Search results for 'teach'  

64 quotation(s) found.




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It is important to expect nothing,
To take every experience,
Including the negative ones,
As merely steps on the path,
And to proceed.

Ram Dass

We are born into a vast room whose walls consist of a thousand doors of possibility. Each door is flung open to the world outside, and the room is filled with light and noise. We close some of the doors deliberately, sometimes with fear, sometimes with calm certainty. Others seem to close by themselves, some so quietly that we do not even notice.

Terry Teachout

The great teachings unanimously emphasize that all the peace, wisdom, and joy in the universe are already within us; we don't have to gain, develop, or attain them. We're like a child standing in a beautiful park with his eyes shut tight. We don't need to imagine trees, flowers, deer, birds, and sky; we merely need to open our eyes and realize what is already here, who we really are.

Bo Lozoff

Once, when we were discussing a world peace project with my teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, somebody asked him, "Where is all the money going to come from?" And he replied without hesitation, "From wherever it is at the moment."

Deepak Chopra

I love the story of the little girl who showed her teacher a picture she painted of a tree. The tree was purple. The teacher said, "Sweetheart, I've never seen a purple tree, now have I?"

"Oh?" said the little girl. "That's too bad."

Marianne Williamson

If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.

Jack Kornfield

Teach your children what we have taught our children, that the Earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth. If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves. This we know - the Earth does not belong to man - man belongs to the Earth. This we know.

Chief Seattle

Imagine that every person in the world is enlightened but you. They are all your teachers, each doing just the right thing to help you learn perfect patience, perfect wisdom, perfect compassion.

Author Unknown
But Greatly Appreciated!

Your worth is not established by teaching or learning. Your worth is established by God. Nothing you do or think or wish or make is necessary to establish your worth.

From 'A Course in Miracles'
Foundation For Inner Peace

He who knows not and knows not he knows not,
he is a fool - shun him.
He who knows not and knows he knows not,
he is simple - teach him.
He who knows and knows not he knows,
he is asleep - awaken him.
He who knows and knows that he knows,
he is wise - follow him.

Author Unknown
But Greatly Appreciated!





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